Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Untravelled Journey

First prize in School Youth Festival-2011                                           Versification- English

                                                                 Untravelled Journey

Gentle whisper of mountain breeze
hummed in my left ear,
an unsung melody…….!
The unplucked flower, unwashed memories….

Years before, when I stood
Young and curious down this hill
Little child with colours all around
A world of chirping birds and
                               Playful squirrels…..

Yet I feel now, in this age
Facing flight and agony of life
That my journey was incomplete……!

                                                             Virgin forests all around
                                                              Unheard song of cuckoo bird
                                                              And unsmelt flowers up the hill
                                                              This place taught me what heaven is…………..
                                                               It told me that you may slip
                                                               But you should not keep on slipping
                                                               Strengthen your grips and raise your head
                                                               For, you have withstood a hurdle in life.

Those days! I strolled alone, all alone
down this valley, along the trickling stream,
who fed the hares and fawn
as she waded down the rocks…..

                                                            Saga of challenges undertaken
                                                            Ballads on the famous wars
                                                            Tales of triumph and vigour,
                                                             These are all undertaken paths…..
                                                             A road unexplored, a journey untravelled
                                                             A rhyme unplayed, a note unsung
                                                             That makes all the difference!

Remember my friend,
“Heard melodies may be sweet,
But unheard ones are sweeter……”
Beyond an unexplored path stands
Perhaps precious events of life,,,,,,,
The right path worth the hardships suffered
And untravelled jouyney, untasted treats,
May haunt you all through the life………….
Virtue tells you what to do
And overwhelming impulse tracks you down….!

                                                                                            May be the unexplored wilderness
                                                                                            Has perceived unseen miracles……
                                                                                             May be a hot spring to warm your spines……..
                                                                                             A dew drop dripping down the wild fir leaves,
                                                  Will tell you an untold story
                                                                      And an undertaken journey will tell you
                                                                          How precious the opportunities are………
                                                                      Beware my friend, life has double faces,
                                                       And a slimy veil to cover them,
                                                                       The little glads and tiny sorrows……….!
                             Take care…..!

                                                                                                                       Arsha Maria Alex
                                                                                                                       XI Science

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