First prize in School Youth Festival-2011 Essay Writing-English
Language makes man a ’man’, if you are not deaf or dumb. Yes, one of the essential components of humanity is that each and all need communication to express their heart. Culture and civilization owe their progress to this stream of words and voices. No other organism of this blue planet has this ability; or in a single word we can say that language is a milestone in the history of mankind. And in this hectic world of today the most used language is of course, English.
The history of the global language resemble stream, which gets originated from mountain heights and join the vast ocean. Derived from Latin, it has borrowed words from all global languages to supplement its vast vocabulary. It has reached every nook and corner of the world and has played its role in making earth a ‘global village’. Originated from British Isles , its unique distinction gave dignity to English men. As her people traveled far and wide, English language also accompanied with them. It was the main cause for popularity among all people, class and creed. The most spoken language may be Marmdan, but the most popular language ever spoken is English.
Poets and authors have lauded this language for she expressed their dreams and hopes, melancholy and sorrows,colours and rhythms with greatest feel. Also easily mingled with local dialect, it is easy to follow. Also it is the language for the most vibrant equipment of modern days, the internet. The sail of ancient seamen has made their mother land and mother tongue unforgettable. India has also received the aid of this during the dark years of its history, under the black boots of colonialism. Now this language is the blued eyed boy of all nations and all people. Simple and easily graspable spellings and flexible words enrich this. It has been a main cause for its popularity.
It has definitely played a part in the integration of various cultures and languages, people and art forms across the world. A media-pamperer, it really means to the word ‘global language’. Any where in the world a man who knows to handle English fluently can revive anyhow. It benefits you for all stages of life, from your school to an
interview. Also a man well-versed in English is sure to receive the respect of all fellow beings. It helps to communicate and stand on one’s legs. Also it helps one to express own views and emphasize own ideas.
Many famous authors have taken birth from English. From John Keats, P.B.Shelly, William Wordsworth to Shakespeare and Thomas Hardy, numerous writers have written golden verses getting aid from wonderful meanings and vocabulary of this language. Also the new generation writers like Arundhati Roy, Salman Rushdi, Kiran Desai, J.K. Rowling etc. are hailed from this language. To all of them, English is a window to the vast, wide world of fame and admiration. Being a student, one should get to know Engliah; being a job seeker, one should be well versed in English and being a retired middle aged one, you should adore English, for it helps you to revive the boring boredom.
This global language gives you immeasurable opportunities and uncountable changes and if you really understand the famous words of English poet, Lord Tennyson you may feel that it is true in the case of this rich language too-“ For men may come and men may go, but I go on for ever……..”!
Arsha Maria Alex
XI Science
nice good keep it up .!